I will finally be putting my periscope account to good use and will be broadcasting from the 6th Annual Style Night Out. Only one of the best fashion shows all year long in the Queen City.
22 Boutiques. 10 Beauty Experts. All in ONE night!
Proceeds from Style Night Out will benefit Carolina Breast Friends.
Beginning at 7pm EST I will be sharing with you the backstage chaos and chatting with people like SNO Producer Effie Loukas, makeup artist and owner of iMpact color cosmetics (and one of my best friends) Stanley Owings, and designer Luis Machicao-who creates jaw dropping pieces. Then at 8pm the show begins!
Download the Periscope app, add me @PrettyintheQC , and tune in tomorrow. Can’t wait!
This is now a sold out show. And where else can you have an interactive chat during a major fashion show while wearing your pjs and enjoying a glass of wine all from the comfort of your home?
About Style Night Out
Style Night Out is back again for the 6th year in a row at the CENTER STAGE-NODA, Thursday, OCTOBER 1st, 2015. Style Night Out celebrates local boutiques, salons, and makeup artists coming together to showcase their style on the runway. The ultimate goal of Style Night Out is to bring our fashion community together, recognize all the small businesses, and encourage eveyone to go shop “local”.
Style Night Out was created by Effie Loukas who has produced some of Charlottes most successful fashion shows. She is the name behind, vitaminwater In Style Around the World, the official Fashion’s Night Out Charlotte, American Cancer Society’s Cure by Design, has worked behind the scenes of Oscar de la Renta event for the Mint Musuem, Wine, Women and Shoes, AutismCharlotte and of course, and many more. Loukas wanted to create one night to celebrate local retailers,and its truly one of the most successful shows in the Queen City.
Last year SNO had over 2,000 supporters in attendance, and this year is anticipated to be an even bigger draw. SNO has been featured in local print, television and regional blogs and has received a tremendous amount of exposure within the southeast. Just some of our amazing sponsors over the years…. Electrolux,Just Fab, Heels.com, Grey Goose, DSW, Charlotte Magazine,Paschal Promotions, American Furniture Rental, VitaminWater, and Hendrick Mercedes. With the amount of press Style Night Out receives is a fantastic opportunity for you get exposure for your brand.
Proceeds from Style Night Out Will Benefit Carolina Breast Friends
Attending a CBF meeting will be the beginning of extraordinary friendships and will lift your spirits to new heights. They welcome all breast cancer survivors to attend their monthly member meetings. Whether you have just been diagnosed, are dealing with a recurrence, or you are a long-term survivor, you will find support, laughter, and learning during each of their meetings. They encourage their members who have finished treatment to get involved with mentoring and other service projects. Their core service is providing monthly meetings for breast cancer survivors.
1 comment
How fun! Have a fab time!!!