Help Support Our Refugee Neighbors #GivingTuesdayCLT

by Amelia Old
1 comment



Carolina Refugee Resettlement Agency helps refugee families build new lives here in Charlotte. CRRA has resettled over 4,000 refugees since 2011. Your support provides critical assistance in the first few months of their arrival. Newly arrived refugees come with very few possessions and depend on assistance that their resettlement office in partnership with public provides for the first few weeks and months of their arrival.

Among other things, CRRA provides food for newly arrived refugees in the first couple of weeks. Over 50% of refugees are children. Your donation will ensure CRRA is equipped to act quickly when a family needs assistance with necessary items, such as diapers or formula for babies. Costs associated with having a baby are challenging when you have just arrived into the new country and starting from scratch. Your $50 could provide for a month of diaper supplies or baby formula. Your $25 would provide for a school uniform for the next refugee child enrolling for the first time in school at their new country. You can even help a refugee achieve their dreams for better future for their family. When you give $200 you could make possible a vocational certification or licensing for a refugee to help them obtain a more reliable and a better paid job.

Any donation is greatly appreciated and will allow CRRA to receive, connect and empower newly arrived refugees so they can begin successful and self-sufficient lives in the United States.



This campaign supports SHARE Charlotte’s #GivingTuesdayCLT campaign. To learn more and support the campaign and buy the items that over 230 participating nonprofits need to keep their offices open and programs going, visit between November 14-28! For more info on SHARE, visit .



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1 comment

Dan November 29, 2017 - 7:14 am

Travelling shortly to Stockholm, would definitely try to join the cause from there on.


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