
Aging Beautifully by Eve Michaels (Guest Post)



Eleanor Roosevelt often said, “Beautiful young people are accidents of nature, but beautiful old people are works of art.”

The first time I heard this quote, I thought how fabulous that this came from a woman who was not blessed with much physical beauty, yet appreciated the work it took for a woman to age well (and be beautiful). So many women in today’s society are either oblivious to or envious of women who take exquisite care of themselves, as they age. Sadly, most women in this country think beauty and aging are an oxymoron. It’s as if we have preprogrammed ourselves to not age well.

From my 20 some odd years of studying the “law of attraction”, I know with total certainty that we can’t have what we don’t believe in. Therefore the first step to attracting what you want in life, in this case ageless beauty, is to believe that it’s possible. In this regard I was lucky…

When I was just a teenager, all of 15 years old, I briefly dated a gorgeous 18 yr old named Michael. I will never forget what he told me as we stood on line outside the movie theatre some 43 years ago. He stared at me with those intense deep blue thoughtful eyes. Finally he said, “You are going to be one of those women who get more beautiful with age.” “What?” I said, wide eyed while I clung to his every word. “You just haven’t grown into your true beauty yet. But you will and you will be very beautiful as you age.”

Michael was my first lover and as such, my teacher in many ways. He was the free spirit I would never possess and the wisdom I yearned to have. He was like the elusive butterfly in the era of the “dawning of Aquarius”. I came to him like a moth to a flame…knowing I would learn something profound, yet not knowing at the time what that was. Almost everything he did seemed to impact me in a powerful way. When Michael spoke, I listened, deeply.

Here I am many years, three children and a few marriages later, at age 58, still proving him right. Michael was the first person to ever tell me that it was possible to get better with age. I came to discover through the study of ‘quantum physics and metaphysics’ that the mind is so powerful that we can actually change the way we age.

Years later I would also come to learn that the French believe that women aren’t really sexy until they mature and have “history and mystery”. I love that! It makes me feel that as a woman I have more value the older I get. All women can. We can also have more sex appeal in a smoldering sensual way as we age. Like a fine wine, that gets better with time. I can’t help but remember the movie, Harold and Maude. You must rent it if you don’t know what I mean.

I once heard that all teachers teach what they need to learn. Truer than true, I continue on my journey as I share my concepts of aging well with every woman I can.

I have spent the last twenty years trying to raise the consciousness of women to feel good about themselves after the age of 30 to own their power, sensuality and beauty. Just as Eleanor said, “an older beautiful woman is a work of art.” Like anything we want, we need to work at it. But I must tell you, that after a woman gets this concept into her head and into her heart…looking good isn’t “work”. This “work of art” becomes an expression of joy!!

“I think that somehow, we learn who we really are and then live with that decision.” Eleanor Roosevelt so wisely said.

What have you decided? To age beautifully or that beauty is not for the aged?


About Eve Michaels

Expertise: Beauty, Makeover, Transformation, Motivational Speaker, Image, Confidence, Self-respect

Eve Michaels is an internationally acclaimed “Transformational Makeover Expert” and the creator of the Fast Track To Fabulous program. Eve is a nationally recognized author and motivational speaker captivating audiences globally. She is known to television viewers in the US, Great Britain & Australia as one of the great makeover specialists of our time.

Eve Michaels has appeared on ABC, NBC News, Entertainment Tonight, The Discovery Channel, TV Land, VH1, Good Day L.A., The Style Channel, BBC and ITV in the UK, Australian 60 Minutes, NHK Tokyo Public Television, Telemundo & Univision. She has been featured in articles in numerous print media including the L.A. Times, The Wall Street Journal, Worth magazine, and Women’s World, as well as many online magazines, blogs and radio shows. Eve had the honor of opening the Nasdaq Stock Exchange in April 2009, in recognition of her work.

Eve teaches clients through her workshops, motivational seminars, and personal consultations how to understand the importance of having the right image and strategizing their image. Eve proves how having the right image can open doors and help people create the life they desire. They learn and implement techniques to truly make their image special and gain a sense of confidence and enhanced self-respect. Eve helps clients achieve their personal goals of becoming more successful and improving their relationships through the “power of image”.

Eve’s teaches people life changing, easy-to-follow skills that quickly transform their image and their attitude about dressing well. Eve has a gift for helping her clients understand what makes them special and how to create the right image that communicates their unique abilities and talents. No wonder her work is often called Makeover Magic!

Eve’s personal goal is to “Wake Up America” by bringing back elegance, class and style to this country.

She wants every person to understand that Comfort and Style are not enemies! Through her unique new age approach to image, Eve transforms her clients rapidly. She teaches practical, easy-to-follow techniques that helps her clients look great for a lifetime. Real skills to easily use in the real world.

 You may learn more about Eve at and on Twitter @evemichaels



Amelia Old

View Comments

  • Eve Michaels you have inspired me. As I age I want to grow more beautiful, to have more sex appeal and be the mysterous woman my husband looks at every day. Better yet I want to be one of the old people Eleanor Roosevelt would say is a piece of art!!!!!

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