This post is sponsored by Allianz Global Assistance however all opinions are solely those of the author.
Over the last year and a half I have been traveling internationally often which means a travel insurance policy is incredibly important. I’ve been a customer of Allianz Global Assistance for over a year now. They’ve recently updated their mobile app and it’s impressive! The TravelSmart app of course allows you to view insurance details, claims, flight status, etc But what really interests me is the assistance this app can provide in case of an emergency. Let’s face it-emergencies happen every day…..whether there’s a natural disaster or you caught something on the plane and praying it doesn’t ruin your trip. You never know when you may need to locate a hospital, doctor’s office, police station, and even the locations of U.S. Embassies. The ‘Assistance Around Me’ feature provides all of this!
The updated app also includes a medication dictionary that allows users to store photos of their prescription label and help find international names for over 750 common drugs. Not only that but the First Aid Terms Translation feature provides translations for over 60 illnesses, injuries, etc in 18 common languages.
Check out the TravelSmart App promo video below!
I think my husband will feel much better about my solo travel now that I have this app. He’s constantly worried about my safety when I’m traveling alone. Having this information and assistance at the touch of a screen is not only extremely convenient but provides a huge bit of relief.
The TravelSmart app is free and available in the App Store or on Google Play. More information is available at
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About Allianz Global Assistance USA
Allianz Global Assistance USA is a leading consumer specialty insurance and assistance provider** with operation centers in 34 countries. In the United States, Allianz Global Assistance USA (AGA Service Company) provides insurance to 25 million customers and is best known for its Allianz Travel Insurance plans. In addition to travel insurance, Allianz Global Assistance USA offers tuition insurance, race registration protection, event ticket protection and unique assistance services such as international medical assistance and concierge services. The company also serves as an outsource provider for in-bound call center services and claims administration for property and casualty insurers and credit card companies. To learn more about Allianz Travel Insurance plans, please visit or Like us on Facebook at